Meet Ronny – Contributor

Ronny is originally from Berlin but has made London his home. He is a self-identified neo-realist with an academic background in International Relations with French and Modern History; practicing language teacher, and aspiring social commentator/writer. He’s done most of the things on his mental to-do list, sometimes misses his HIV-negative self, and lives every year as if it was his last…

He is optimistic, charming and a creative free spirit who’s made many journeys on his path to self-discovery…

In his own words:

What prompted you to share your story in ‘Love Me As I Am’?

First, I would like to promote honesty, courage, critical thinking, the power of communication, and authenticity among gay men — young gay men in particular. The mainstream gay scene in urban centres can be a bit of a jungle: awash with adventures and exotic experiences, but also full of hidden dangers!

Second, the global economy is at a crossroads and we’re all skating on very thin ice. I believe this could potentially affect everyone — especially minority groups — negatively. In this context, I would like to make sure that our voices and experiences are not declared null and void.

How did writing and sharing your story impact your life?

I have been researching HIV among gay men for nearly 3 years now. However, 2 years ago, I decided to fling off the heavy coat of academia to add a more creative spin to my research. I love the cut and thrust of a thought-provoking debate, but wanted my ideas to be accessible AND reclaim my life at the same time. Admittedly, it has taken me a long time, but I feel that in contributing to the book I have succeeded in finding my real self.

1 Comment on Meet Ronny – Contributor

  1. Laurie Sabo // June 22, 2012 at 1:21 am // Reply

    Ronny P – you are totally awesome!!!

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